Sunday, January 10, 2016

What have I been up to?

Hey guys,

Since my first blog post I have not written anything! School had taken over my life what with essays, research papers, reading assignments (if you are a English Major you understand all this) and most importantly FINAL EXAMS!!! This had been a very stressful school year and I thought that this would end horribly with me failing all of my classes!  Assignments were piling up, deadlines for research papers were close, and group projects were sucking the life out of me; however, I am proud to say that all my hard work has most definitely paid off! I passed all of my classes with A's and one B.  So if you are having a stressful school year whether you are in high school or university, just know that with all the hard work you put in it will all be worth it!

 Now that I am over all this stress, I have been enjoying the winter break.  My family and I had a good Christmas with each of us exchanging gifts and enjoying movies and TV shows that were playing that day.  What did you guys do during Christmas, that is if you celebrate it.  Did you spend it with family, give the gifts you wanted to your loved ones?  As for those who don't celebrate it, how did you spend the winter break?

I've been using my time catching up on YouTube because I am seriously obsessed with watching Vlogs!  Besides watching YouTube videos, my time has been spent reading books because it has been so long since I've read for pleasure instead of it being required for the school curriculum.  I had recently finished reading The Winter Witch by Paula Brackston and I am currently reading The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks.  If I can finish reading it real quick maybe I will do a proper book review.

Oh besides books, my time has been spent watching TV shows that I have missed because of school and TV shows that I had just discovered.  Old TV shows like Teen Wolf, Flash, Arrow and Reign & New TV shows such as; Jane the Virgin, The Man in the High Castle (which I might do a proper review on a separate blog post), Hand of God, and The Shannara Chronicles.

Well I am trying to enjoy reading and watching as much as I currently can because school starts on the 20th and I can already feel this will be a tough school year! (So optimistic am I not? :p)
So I will see you guys soon, take care and lets all hope this new year will be a Good, Safe, Healthy and Happy year! Happy 2016 guys!!! :)

6:15 p.m.

Until next time,

Monday, October 19, 2015

Introduction to The Wondering Wallflowers!

Hey Guys! 
As my first blog post I wanted to introduce myself to you all before I start writing about whatever the heck comes to mind.  So first off my name is Crystal and I am an English Major at my local University.  I love reading books, and if it was possible I would probably live in a Library or a Bookstore! I am also mildly obsessed with Harry Potter, so if there are any PotterHeads around don't be shy and let us unite by sharing what we love about Harry Potter! :D  Now besides my love for Harry Potter and books in general, I do enjoy many other things that grab my attention;  hit TV shows, YouTubers and eventually creating my own Novel are what I generally love.  It is my dream to graduate with a B.A. in English and put my writing skills to good use and one day write to my heart's content creating a well written Novel.  (One day it will happen because a girl can certainly dream!)

It has also been my dream to travel the world and experience new languages, food, people, and culture.  I am currently in the process of taking care of all the steps needed so I can Study Abroad to Paris, France in Summer 2016.  It is for that reason that has pushed me into creating my own blog because if I do get the chance and study in Paris I want to remember every single moment of my trip.  The best way for that to happen would be for me to document whatever happens to me along this journey, you know the good, the bad and the ugly!  Although this is the starting point in me creating this blog, it is not the only reason why I made one.  I have always wanted to start blogging but never found something I can start from, and this just happened to be the perfect opportunity.  However, it is like I mention earlier, I do have many interests and so I will be writing on things that I truly love and want to share with you guys.  There will also be written posts on random things such as my life, what is going on around the world or maybe just personal rants that I need to get off my chest! The point is who knows, all I know is that I want to have fun with this and keep this if not for you guys then at least for myself as a public diary if you will.  So I hope you all will stick around, share your positive input and enjoy this journey along with me.

Until next time,

10/20/15 {12:41 AM}